We live in times where the biggest enemy is an invisible virus. It locked down 4 billion people in their homes. The cities are empty, travel is prohibited and there are is no public life at all.

More than 2,5 million people are infected and almost 200 thousand lost their lives in the worst pandemic in the last 100 years. It all seems like it would be taken out of a catastrophic movie and we do not know when it will end.

Unfortunately, this is not the worst thing happening out there. People are still suffering from other diseases too. Cancer, cardiovascular issues, diabetes, or hunger is still present and millions of people are dying coz of it.

The damages that we as a humans did in the last 100 years can’t be fixed so quickly. Yes, the Earth is taking a break from us but this is not enough.

Our constant hunger for money and health is damaging the Earth on a daily basis. Below you can find 5 environmental issues that are destroying our planet as you are reading this article.

Unless we reset our values and take lessons from recent happenings, this will not change. And to be very honest, I am not sure how long we or our Earth will take it if we continue like this.

Environmental issue nr 1: The carbon footprint of your food.

Surely you must have heard of global warming, right? Does the carbon footprint, greenhouse effect, rising global temperature ring a bell? Well, it should! At least if you are planning to live on Earth in the future. 

To understand what is global warming and why we have to care about temperature rising just 1.5 degrees Celcius, I recommend you to read the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.

Environmental issue nr 2: Blood avocados.

Avocado is the magic green yellowish fruit. It is super healthy, contains a lot of good fats and other nutrients which are very important for our daily diet.

Thanks to its health benefits and good nutrition you can find it in almost every diet from KETO to vegan or vegetarian. 

Many people cannot imagine the day without having an avo toast for breakfast or nachos with guacamole for dinner. The global avocado madness went so far, that today you can find many restaurants that serve dishes made only with avocados. 

On the other hand side, the growing consumption means higher production. And the higher production, unfortunately, has a negative impact on the environment. Also, the production of the avocado might not be so transparent and legal as you would think. There might be blood on them.

So the question is, should you be eating avocados or not? Let’s find it out.

Environmental issue nr 3: The dark side of the battery business.

We live in times where many people would like to see a green world. A world with a perfectly clean environment and no global warming, clean oceans and vivid green forests and rainforests. 

The world where fossil fuels are not used anymore to power cars, motorbikes, trains, trucks, and even planes. 

Instead of fossil fuels, all the houses or even whole cities would be powered by green electricity. And all the vehicles like cars, trucks, and motorbikes would be only electric. People would use even more high tech devices than now with a focus on weeks-long battery life. 

Some of the things are already happening, and the world is slightly changing. 

On the other hand, there are people and companies that do not care about such things as the environment and sometimes even human life. And if they somehow happen to care, they still play it safe and focus on their profits.

Environmental issue nr 4: The dark side of veganism.

Being on a vegan (plant-based) diet might seem like a good solution when it comes to healthy eating habits. Also, the vegan diet is mainly marketed and promoted as the one with the biggest positive impact on the environment. 

But is it actually true? Is the vegan diet so good for people and the environment? Or does it has a dark side that no so many people know or talk about?

Let’s find it out.

Environmental issue nr 5: Coconut oil and its negative impact on the environment.

Coconuts from which coconut oil is produced is typically grown in either India, the Philippines, or Indonesia. Depending on where you are in the world, the carbon footprint of that oil might be quite high, so if you trying to be environmentally-friendly, you might want to skip it and swap for more local substitutes.

The 5 environmental issues that are damaging the Earth on a daily basis. 1
The 5 environmental issues that are damaging the Earth on a daily base.